By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Thankfully, it's possible to safely move to San Antonio during Covid if you just follow these 4 tips for a healthy move.
Moving companies in San Antonio are generally considered essential, and most are open for business. They are making sure that all the crews they send out are healthy, and so they are counting on you to apply good Covid hygiene. Don't forget that in case there is a Covid outbreak in the organization, they might not possess the manpower to cover all their slated moves, so versatility on your part is crucial. The same as you will grin and bear it for a snowstorm, have a similar pleasantness for your crew's safety.
Select A Virtual Estimate
Virtual quotes from moving companies in San Antonio are standard right now in any case, so that you can speak to and employ a mover from an online social distance. A video call lets you walk through your residence and the mover's rep on the other end can easily assess your requirements and present an estimate without ever coming to your residence. You may need to send measurements for a few pieces of furniture, however a professional mover in San Antonio can ascertain the trucks and crew you will require via the internet.
Follow the 3 W's
Wear a mask. In wintry weather, wear it even inside the house--there's very little air flow in a sealed-up home so take the added step of covering your face even around family members. If you live in a warmer climate it may not be extremely important to wear it inside, but when the movers come ensure everyone has a mask on continuously.
Wash your hands--a lot. Use soap rather than hand sanitizer whenever possible. If you can't wash, do use hand sanitizer, however scrub with soap and hot water whenever you can.
Wait for the professional movers in San Antonio to do their jobs--stay six feet apart, and simply wait. Fight the impulse to hand the crew cartons or small furnishings, and simply assist from a distance. It is generally wise to stay out of the way even absent a pandemic and let the professionals work in peace.
Sanitize Your new Residence Prior To When You Move In
Additionally it is often smart to have a new house cleaned before you move in, however with Covid it becomes an total requirement. The professionals do not believe that the virus lives more than a few days on materials, however with new strains emerging no one is able to be certain. If you're unable to engage a team to come clean in advance of when you arrive there, go in front of the moving trucks armed with disinfectant, bleach, and gloves in order to ensure a virus-free location when you do take the family members in.
Keep on Top of State Guidelines
States are doing their best to help keep businesses functioning as smoothly as possible, but even critical merchants are operating shorter hours. Before you pack up, be sure you are able to take care of the essentials such as shopping for groceries when you get to your new residence, and that prescription medications are filled prior to going. You can order online for delivery in most places currently; check with grocers and apps such as Instacart to discover what's included in your local area.
These 4 simple actions can help you coordinate a safe, healthy, and stress-free move…so long as the weather holds out!
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