By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
If you haven't placed that much consideration into your approaching move yet, take a deep breath. You have a bit of time, and if you keep the following tips you're destined to be all right.
Tip #1: Look Early, Get A Better Deal
In case you do not have a car, due to the miracle of the Internet anybody can search for rentals straight from your bed, or as part of your mid-afternoon class break. And if you commence looking around now, you'll be able to place yourself near the top of a variety of landlord's lists for whenever new openings arise. So, make those phone calls, look at pictures, and schedule walk-throughs now as opposed to in the future. Even though you may simply do a couple a week, that will be more than sufficient to help you uncover your perfect house.
Tip #2: Start Asking for Help Yesterday
Moving is just one of those activities that appears like it may not be an issue, but it always tends to spiral out of your control once you try to really perform it. Even though you may live moderately at college, be sure you get some friends or family reserved for the date. In the event you're just as well organized as you thought you were, and you got the whole thing packed lacking too much hassle, you'll still accomplish it quicker together with friends. Just in case something goes completely wrong, then you have got additional hands to make it turn out right. Or, if perhaps you don't wish to fuss with it, you could always hire a professional moving company in San Antonio to assist with as much or as little as you want to move.
Tip #3: Have Your Timetable, as well as Your Paperwork, Organized
Getting your name on a lease helps ensure that there is a move-in time, and as soon as you've got a time you'll be able to mark it down in your agenda. The earlier you get on top of these issues, the less of a last-minute scramble you will have to deal with when it's time to move houses. Procrastinating till the last second could leave you with landlords who aren't pleased to offer you wiggle room for your move-in dates, which might mean you will need to crash with a friend for a while until the new place in San Antoniois all set.
Tip #4: Unless You Need It, Do Not Take It
Before you decide to pack everything up to move it, give it a genuine once-over to understand if you absolutely need it. This box of old work from your junior year... you could likely recycle that. The hand-me-down skillet with the broken handle... you could take it, but is it actually worth the time and effort of transporting it if you could easily get another one sent to your place? That small bunch of gas station plastic cups? What about those jeans you have had since you were a freshman, nonetheless you still will not fit into?
There is not any point in hanging onto something you have not made use of, and do not need. Or in taking things with you when it is easier and inexpensive to just replace it with a new model shipped by someone else.
Tip #5: A Tad at a Time Should Make It All Smoother
One of the keys to a fruitful move is to be certain to do it in reasonable, bite-sized sections. Start packing your non-essentials (artwork, secondary linens, seasonal garments, and so on.) a month or more beforehand so that you have them out of the way. Subsequently, right before you move, pack an overnight travelling bag with all your essentials (several sets of outfits, toiletries, etc.). By taking it in little, feasible pieces, you can make a move in San Antonio feel much lighter than it really is.
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