By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Toddlers and preschoolers are not a great deal of help, but they are so incredibly entertained by empty cartons, rolls of tape, as well as bubble wrap that you simply do not care. Provide a four-year-old free rein with packing materials and you can now plow through their stuff prior to them getting uninterested and begin consuming the packing peanuts. Seriously, give your littlest ones a box a bit of tape and get to work. Inquire which toys and games they wish to give away to pals or share with other children they don't know--it is a minor thing which helps them feel as though they have a little say in the process.
Elementary Age
If you have kids in this age group, they may be in the ideal spot--old enough to be hard workers, although not so old that they've got strong opinions. These are a few chores a third grader can easily complete.
· Go through their stuff and decide what to keep.
· Put boxes together, prepare packing supplies, put color-coded labels on cartons.
· Put giveaway items in bags or cartons.
· Help empty closets and also drawers to prepare for the professional movers.
This is a good age range to mention contributing gently used games and toys to charitable organizations, and also to talk about the reasons you pick the ones you do. When the non-profit you select possesses a thrift store, bring your youngsters in and permit them to observe exactly what it looks like.
Junior High School
Pre-teens and teens are hypothetically able to truly pitching in, however it might take some ingenuity to make that happen. These kids are departing from buddies, sports activities, and school, and could be more interested in small-time sabotage rather than really entering into the swing and packing up the basement. If you need to use bribery to get them agreeable, it is sort of a small expense to give.
· Offer to let them to select the paint and furniture for their new bedrooms.
· Obtain their feedback on what they will really like to have in a new home. Obviously, they need to be practical, however let them know their opinions make a difference. Inquire about back yards (trees, playhouses, area for a swimming pool), basements, rec rooms, along with other things that may be on their wish lists. If you look at houses via the internet, show them which you prefer along with what you do not--and express the reasons why.
· Sell unwanted stuff and divide the profits. Try several selling websites to understand which companies are the most effective. Most web pages require that sellers be 18 years old, so you will have to set the profile up and control the sale listings, but your kids can take the photos, upload them, and prepare the information.
· Go the garage sale direction and permit them to organize the tables and put price tags on stuff.
High School and College
These are the challenging years--it's not easy to move at any age, however it is especially difficult for high schoolers. The good news is that although they may be quite upset, they really are of sufficient age to accomplish a bit of heavy lifting whilst they pout. Here are a few tasks your young adults can do to pitch in.
· Help with disassembling pieces of furniture.
· Smile and permit them to adorn their rooms exactly like they desire. They may be moving out soon enough, and you may always paint over their selection.
· Get up in the attic space and bring items down--teenagers are much more nimble when compared with their mom and dad (and the majority of professional movers will never go into the attic space).
· Drive loads of things to the second hand stores or even the dump. Cover their gas and junk food along the way.
· Arrange trips back to see friends or go on and arrange for pals to come visit.
· Let them to sell their own stuff via the internet if they're over 18 and keep the earnings.
· If you have a yard sale, permit them to take care of the money and the online sales.
Tell the truth--if you have kids in college, it's completely likely that you have already turned that bedroom into a fitness room or an home office. Whenever your college students are home on a break prior to when you move to San Antonio, make sure they sort through all their old boxes of stuff--you'll still need to move them, but possibly they'll purge enough to minimize on the amount.
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