By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
There's practically nothing you can do about a blizzard however utilizing a backup plan can help you endure virtually any storm. Have a checklist (there are a few excellent moving apps for this sort of thing) in the event you need to divert and reschedule and incorporate these topics in your list.
Inform Your Realtor
On the off chance your real estate professional has not seen a weather report, inform them that there's a weather system approaching, and you may have to postpone vacating the property. Real estate transactions seldom occur in a vacuum so if you're affected, so can be your buyers, their buyers, and so on. Don't worry, it is going to all work out.
Ask Your Professional Moving Company About Their Inclement Weather Policy
If you know you'll be moving when there is a chance of nasty weather, ask your moving company in San Antonio precisely how they address it. Keeping their teams safe is paramount, and they will use a method for poor weather. This could result in loading as much as they're able to and returning when things remove to finish or maybe delaying to load at all. If conditions turn bad on the road they're going to pull over until the roads are safe to travel. Simply speaking, getting there safely is the a main concern. Except in cases where the storm is brutal, the majority of interstates are cleared promptly.
Plan Your Own Storm Safety
The way you handle your household in the storm depends on a number of factors--how far away you're moving, should you expect to lose electricity (a lot of new neighborhoods have underground lines), do you think you're safe staying in your old residence and camping out, do you have lodging reservations on the way?
Camping out is not great in an empty home with a cleaned-out refrigerator and the danger of a loss of electricity, so staying in a hotel or with friends is a better decision. Should you be anticipating several inches of snow and after that clearing and melting that's simple to deal with; should you have an ice storm and downed trees and utility lines, and extended sub-freezing conditions, you'll want to proceed to move your family members to other accommodations. Ice may produce more serious hold-ups compared to rain or snow, so be equipped for a couple of days of waiting if ice is the problem.
Should you be en route and awful weather is anticipated, go on and make lodging reservations. Even if you feel you can get through, or you're not certain how much the effect is going to be, take into account that accommodations are limited, and you don't want to become trapped in a questionable place with your family. Some non-pet motels make exceptions in rough weather and they're welcome in your room.
Pack a cooler or two with treats, drinks, and sandwiches--when the power's out, dining places are not open. Additionally, have blankets, plenty of chargers, and flares inside the car if you have car trouble or get in an accident--help may come, and often will be slowed.
Keeping Your New House Clean
Truth time--all the blankets and bathroom towels on the planet aren't going to keep the flooring tidy when you're moving in stormy, snowy weather. You'll be able to prevent some dirt and scuffs by laying heavy cardboard on the most frequently trafficked spots, however unless the professional movers in San Antonio remove their shoes or boots each time they come in your house, it is really an uphill fight. Schedule a carpet cleaning as soon as you can, and vacuum and mop hardwood floors as soon as everything is inside.
Should you be delayed a few days by weather, bear in mind there is little that you can do to hurry things along. Relaxing may well be a struggle, however you will be in your new home for many years and the Great Blizzard of 2019 (or 2020) will end up as part of the family lore before you know it.
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